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Blogging is a little like dieting.

August 18, 2009
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I’ve fallen off the wagon. I lasted for a while, but before too long the lure of a good night’s sleep (six hours is a luxury) and sushi delivery was too much. I caved. To be fair, blogging isn’t the only thing I’ve been less than strict about – I have gone running exactly once this month. I don’t remember the last time I cleaned my apartment. My laundry has been sitting at the laundromat, pressed and folded,  for three days (believe it or not it’s actually cheaper to send it out than to do it in my apartment building!).

So… for my final summer project I propose: get my life  in order. It’s not a simple task, but it’s definitely do-able I think.

To Do:

1. Budget! I’m not great at this one. is good in theory, but the problem is that in New York, so much of daily life is cash-centric, which is hard to monitor. Nevertheless, there’s no excuse. I need to develop a weekly budget at least, you know, so I can pay rent and all.

2. Career! It took me a while, but I finally found what I love to do. I know where I want to go. Now I just have to build up my tools to get there. Not so hard, right? Sure…

3. Blog! So it looks like I’m going to have to go back on my blogging diet. As in the once-a-day-because-I’ll-forget type. Dad will be proud. Hi Dad!

4. Personal Brand! OK, enough with the !!! I know. I need to get a move on with all this personal branding situation. I realize this. It’s difficult though, when you spend all day working on other people’s/companies’ brands, to come home and work on your own.

5. Health Doctors’ appointments, exercise, eating meals that don’t come in little plastic cartons you stick in your freezer… you know, the basics.

So, there it is. My get-my-life-in-order plan. Now all I need are strategies, tactics and a SWOT analysis. What? It can’t hurt.

One Comment leave one →
  1. September 5, 2009 2:08 pm

    This sounds so much like my to do list… writing it down in a list is the first step though! 🙂

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